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Sedation Dentistry – Dallas, TX

The Key to
a Smooth Flight

For many people, the idea of being truly relaxed at the dentist’s office seems impossible. Here at Avion Dental & Orthodontics, we aim to keep our patients feeling safe and comfortable at all times no matter what kind of treatment they require. When you call for an appointment, please let us know if you or anyone in your family is feeling particularly anxious about receiving dental care; we can arrange for sedation dentistry in Dallas, TX to be provided on the day of the appointment to relieve any persistent nerves.

Why Choose Avion Dental & Orthodontics for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Sedation Offered to Patients of All Ages
  • Relaxing Dental Office with Unique Décor
  • Very Competitive Pricing on All Services

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Patient with nitrous oxide dental sedation nasal mask in place

Commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is a mild, but effective, sedative that is perfectly safe for both adults and children. It’s extremely common for patients who struggle with dental-related anxiety, but it can also be helpful for those with a fear of needles, who struggle with dental sensitivity, or who need help staying calm during a long procedure. To learn more about this calming solution – from who is a candidate to how it works and what aftercare looks like – keep reading!

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Male patient smiling while talking to dental assistant

Since nitrous oxide sedation is safe for both adults and children, a large majority of patients are good candidates! As mentioned above, it’s well-known for helping patients who have had a traumatic dental experience in the past, who experience anxiety stemming from the sights and sounds of the dental office, or who have trouble staying calm in the treatment chair. With that said, we will need to review a few important factors with you before determining if nitrous oxide is suitable for you, such as learning about your medical history, allergies, and any medications you’re taking.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

Closeup of dentist pointing to nasal mask on patient

It’s quite simple! You’ll breathe in the nitrous oxide through a small mask. Despite being a sedative, nitrous oxide doesn’t put you to sleep; you will still be able to hear and interact with our dentist throughout your procedure. However, you’ll be in a calm and comfortable state where the sights and sounds of the dental office won’t bother you. We can also adjust the nitrous oxide as needed during your appointment, ensuring that you stay comfortable and calm every step of the way.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

Woman smiling while driving home

From the fact that nitrous oxide is fast-acting to the fact that it’s suitable for patients of all ages, there are numerous benefits of nitrous oxide. One of the biggest ones is that it only takes a few minutes for the effects to wear off! Once the treatment is complete, we will switch it off so you are only breathing in oxygen. Shortly after, you’ll begin to feel “normal” again. In fact, you’ll even be able to drive yourself home after your treatment and resume your daily activities as usual. Of course, if there are any aftercare instructions you need from the treatment itself, we will provide you with those before you leave.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

What does it feel like to be sedated at the dentist? 

Dental sedation tends to feel pleasant and calming for those who get it. That said, reactions can vary from one patient to the next; a sedative’s effects will partly depend on your situation.

For example, take our office’s nitrous oxide sedation. Inhaling “laughing gas” should make you feel relaxed, light, and a bit euphoric. The sedative could also cause a tingling in your limbs or small fits of the giggles. However, the sensations you have may slightly differ from those of another patient. Don’t panic if that should happen; it’s a perfectly normal response.

How long does dental sedation last? 

As with how dental sedation feels, how long it lasts can vary. The timeline will depend on the sedative you get, your treatment, and other such factors.

Our office's nitrous oxide sedation is one of the fastest kinds on offer. Its “laughing gas” not only takes effect quickly, but also wears off soon after you stop inhaling it. Most patients are free of nitrous oxide’s haze within five minutes of removing their nose mask. In other words, you’ll be fine driving yourself back home or to work with no lingering drowsiness.

Will I feel any pain with dental sedation? 

Dental sedation shouldn’t cause any pains or aches when applied. Rather, it’ll calm you down so you can get through your dental treatment more smoothly.

For starters, dental sedatives typically suppress your body’s ability to feel pain. Taking one should actually make you feel less discomfort than you'd have otherwise. As the sedative relaxes your body, the mild euphoria it causes will overwhelm or distract you from possible aches.

Secondly, a dentist may numb your mouth with a local anesthetic for your treatment. This step keeps your treatment site from feeling much of anything during your procedure. Instead, the most you’ll sense is some slight pressure as the dental team works on your mouth.

Does dental sedation make you tell secrets?

Despite the rumors you may have heard, dental sedation isn’t a “truth serum.” Taking a sedative at your dentist’s office is unlikely to expose any secrets you have.

All that said, a sedative’s calming effect can lower inhibitions a bit. It may make you comfy enough to share thoughts you normally wouldn’t. Still, even this outcome isn’t that big of a deal. Anything you say will always be kept within the walls of the treatment room.